The Open Door

About The Open Door

Since 1985, Family Assistance Program, has been providing shelter and advocacy services to victims of domestic violence. Through the years, the agency has grown. We now operate shelters, transitional housing, and offices throughout San Bernardino County.

As community needs have been identified, the agency has grown to fill gaps in services. For example, since 2012, we have opened two new shelters, two new transitional housing programs, a youth drop-in center and an anti-human trafficking program: The Open Door.

What We Care About

Due to the growing number of commercially sexually exploited children and adults The Family Assistance Program has created the Open Door Program to provide mentorship, advocacy and support to victims and survivors of sexual exploitation.

Our unique trauma informed program is led by empowerment advocates who are survivors of sexual exploitation themselves. Each person that enters our program is treated with respect, dignity and the opportunity to grow and flourish. We meet each person where they are at, not where we think they should be. We also know that these individuals are victims and not criminals.

How We Help

Our main concern is the immediate health and well-being of our participants.

  • Provide an intensive program to help participants make better decisions
  • Help participants identify permanent and healthy solutions
  • Provide a nurturing environment for participants to grow

Human Trafficking Survivor Art Show

All proceeds go directly to the survivor. Survivors of human trafficking are creating artwork to sell. If you are interested in buying one of the works of art, please email
All paintings are $100

“With life comes hardships, but can you stay down like an anchor? Can you dance through the rain? Can you blossom like a flower?” – A.W.

Our Services

Our empowerment advocates play“big sister”roles while providing support, encouragement, and hope to our participants. Each advocate is a survivor of sexual exploitation and understands on a very personal level the hardships and struggles of those they mentor.

Advocates visit participants at their location as well as provide outings and incentives to assist participants in reaching their goals.

Considering the need of the participant, the advocate will assist in obtaining and coordinating necessary services and provide referrals where needed, including educational and vocational support.

Our advocates are available to support and provide advocacy to participants as they navigate through the courts and criminal justice system.

Our trauma-informed staff is committed to providing a structured, yet compassionate environment. All Family Assistance Program Shelters accept male, female, and LGBTQ victims of sexual exploitation.

We offer several avenues of empowerment such as Survivor Support Groups, Equine Therapy,and “Ending the Game,” a survivor-led intervention curriculum.We provide Family Empowerment and Crisis Intervention, and offer Community and agency education and training.

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Classes & Groups

Prostitution Diversion Program (PDP)

In collaboration with the San Bernardino County court systems this intervention curriculum is offered as an alternative to incarceration for any prostitution related offences. These groups are offered to adult women, men and LBGTQIA participants. The curriculum was developed and written by survivors of exploitation.

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1pm. Individual sessions by appointment only.

My Life, My Choice Prevention (MLMC)

A ten session exploitation prevention curriculum that equips disproportionately vulnerable girls with the tools and knowledge needed to protect themselves from exploiters. The curriculum was developed, written, and reviewed by survivors of exploitation.

Sessions offered at group homes by appointment.

Ending The Game  (ETG)

A ten session intervention curriculum for victims of commercial sexual exploitation. These sessions reduce recidivism rates by breaking the bonds of attachment to traffickers and “The Game” lifestyle. For youth and adults. The curriculum is survivor created and survivor informed.

Sessions offered at group homes by appointment.

40-Hour Human Trafficking Training

The Open Door is proud to announce that our 40-hr Human Trafficking Advocacy Training is held multiple times throughout the year.

Follow us on Facebook– opens in a new window for all of our updates.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email

the open door logo
The Open Door

Phone: 909-333-7476

1255 East Highland Ste 210
San Bernardino, CA 92404

Open Door Policy

It is our goal to provide an open door policy, which means that no matter the circumstances we will meet the client were they are at and no client will be turned away or denied access to reenter the program.

No Fail Policy

Participants benefit from time spent in our program, regardless of how long. The program offers a strong No Fail Policy, meaning it is impossible for any participant to failatthis program. Support will always be available if and when they chose to access it.

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Find us on Facebook– Opens in a new window.

Talk to Us...

…if you have any compliments, concerns or complaints about any of the services you receive or providers who serve you at Family Assistance Program.

If you want to provide feedback about staff or a program or if you want support resolving a challenge or conflict with a program or staff, you have a right to bring that to us and, most importantly,
be heard and get a response!

For any feedback:

  1. Review the following Client Empowerment Policy and
  2. Connect to the Client Empowerment Form link in the policy or by the QR code below:

We provide 24/7 Emergency Services for youth and their families at no charge.

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