Our Youth Shelters

Our House

My Place

our house logo
Our House
License # 366428048
my place logo
My Place
License # 367900190
our stay
Our Stay
San Bernardino
Phone: 909-894-3960
License # 367900105
Our Place
License # 367900157

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We provide 24/7 Emergency Services for youth and their families at no charge.

About Our Youth Shelters

Family reunification is important to us, and when possible and more importantly when it is safe, we dedicate ourselves to providing the tools needed to help with unstable family dynamics.

We commit to providing a nurturing, healthy, and structured environment for both our youth and their families. We understand that at times youth and their families may struggle with day to day life issues.

Financial woes, substance abuse and everything in between puts pressure on many families. Often times there seems to be no hope for the family dealing with the pressures of everyday life. When youth are affected by these types of issues, it quite often leads to risky and even dangerous behaviors, such as running away from home.

At our youth shelters, our goal is to help youth remain safe physically, mentally, and emotionally. We provide a safe alternative to living on the streets or couch surfing.

How We Help

Our main concern is for the immediate well-being of our youth. Our staff is committed to providing a structured, yet compassionate environment for youth in need.

• Provide shelter services for youth 11- 17
• Provide an intensive program to help youth make better decisions
• Help teens identify permanent and healthy solutions
• Provide tools for parents to communicate with their youth
• Provide a nurturing environment for youth to grow

Frequently Asked Questions

One phone call to the numbers listed below will connect you to our staff twenty-four hours a day. We will do the initial intake over the phone and immediately help to identify your needs. Agency tours or staff presentations may also be arranged.

Please be sure to contact us prior to bringing a youth to our shelter.

Our House (Mentone) 909-335-2676
My Place (Phelan) 760-482-1731
Our Stay (San Bernardino) 909-894-3960
Our Place (Phelan) 760-706-8019

We work with youth and families on a case-by-case basis. The program is aimed at family reunification, and we certainly do not want to rush the process. Each case is considered on its own merits. Collaboration between the family counselor, the shelter manager, and the youth and family will determine the length of time needed to find the best resolution for all involved. It is important to keep in mind that we are here as temporary assistance designed to assist youth and families in reunifying. We are an emergency shelter and are not meant for long term care.

Intake procedures begin with a phone call. All situations are evaluated on an individual basis. In the unique circumstance that our shelter is not the best program to accommodate the youth, an appropriate referral will be given.

When a client is at the shelter, we will work with both the parent/guardian and the school to have the clients schoolwork brought to our youth shelter. We will provide time and tutoring for the client in order to help complete schoolwork. We will gladly provide a statement letter to the client’s school stating that the client is with us.

It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians participate in the program alongside their youth. We will provide weekly family counseling and a parenting encouragement workshop. In cases where the goal is family reunification, parent/guardian participation is required.

At any time parents/guardians may speak to any of our staff about shelter donations.

Talk to Us...

…if you have any compliments, concerns or complaints about any of the services you receive or providers who serve you at Family Assistance Program.

If you want to provide feedback about staff or a program or if you want support resolving a challenge or conflict with a program or staff, you have a right to bring that to us and, most importantly,
be heard and get a response!

For any feedback:

  1. Review the following Client Empowerment Policy and
  2. Connect to the Client Empowerment Form link in the policy or by the QR code below:

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