Next Step

About Next Step

Next Step is an empowerment program that helps to develop a healthy mindset for re-entry back into society for those on parole and probation. Support services empower men and women on probation and parole to find strength, stability, and success.

We provide housing, case management, and counseling in the High Desert, San Bernardino, and Morongo Basin areas for men, women, and their children. These services are provided to the client for up to one year.

The Next Step program accepts parolees and provides resources and housing assistance. A Case Manager will meet with those detained and helps to plan for their release. They will assist with their personal goals and essential needs for a healthy way of living. The program will provide basic necessities like food, clothing, and transportation. Many different classes are provided for personal development and continued education to develop the client into a productive member of society.

KCAA TV - Working in the Margins

Talk to Us...

…if you have any compliments, concerns or complaints about any of the services you receive or providers who serve you at Family Assistance Program.

If you want to provide feedback about staff or a program or if you want support resolving a challenge or conflict with a program or staff, you have a right to bring that to us and, most importantly,
be heard and get a response!

For any feedback:

  1. Review the following Client Empowerment Policy and
  2. Connect to the Client Empowerment Form link in the policy or by the QR code below:

We provide 24/7 Emergency Services for youth and their families at no charge.

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