There is a big pine tree outside my office window. It is home to a family of squirrels and a few different kinds of birds. Most everyone gets along, except for the big blue birds (I was sternly informed they are not Blue Jays but something similar). When the blue birds are in the tree, no other animals are. All of the other animals get along and even play together, but the blue birds are the bullies of the tree.
Yesterday, I watched a squirrel sit on a branch and eat a pinecone like it was an ear of corn. He ate each piece until nothing was left but the “cob”. When he finished, he scurried off, got another pinecone, and came back to eat it. The scene was a relaxing way to endure a boring meeting listening to important people pontificate. Until, out of nowhere, the blue bird swooped in and attacked the squirrel. He was knocked off his branch, lost his pinecone and nearly fell out of the tree. He then jumped to another tree and disappeared. The blue bird hopped around the branches and then left.
This upset me. I was angry about what had happened. I wanted to console the squirrel. I wanted to throw a rock at the blue bird and explain to him that there was no reason to be such a bully. I began thinking about how to build a squirrel sanctuary that would allow squirrels to live in peace without the threat of random attacks from violent bluebirds. I wanted to find a way to ban bluebirds from my neighborhood. I then realized that I was having an emotional reaction to what I witnessed. This is vicarious trauma.
Our staff deal with this every day, but on a much greater level. Working with someone who has been a victim of crime, or an injustice can take a heavy toll. Some people learn to “let it go”, while others carry it heavily on their hearts. It is nearly impossible to not be affected by the stories we hear every day. When someone comes into our office who is angry at the world, it can be hard to help them, until we remember they have every right to be angry. What our clients endure should never happen to anyone. As humans, it is impossible to not take some of this pain onto ourselves.
I have the utmost respect for our staff and the work they do. It takes a special kind of person to do this work and we have some of the best at Family Assistance Program. To the staff reading this, thank you for your service. To the community, please thank the people who are working in this field. They do not do it for the money, they do it because they care enough to make the world a better place.
Darryl Evey
Executive Director
We are so happy to announce the return of our annual Dreams Come True Gala! Save the date, October 15, 2022.
This is our annual fundraiser and all proceeds will go towards down payment assistance for Family Assistance Program clients and staff. The money raised at the gala will empower Family Assistance Program to transform people’s lives with home ownership.
Join us for a fun masquerade ball at the Hilton Garden Inn with cocktail hour from 4:30 – 5:30pm and dinner starting at 6pm. Enjoy music from the amazing BOK, photo booth fun, and a silent auction.
Sponsorship opportunities are available, email Angela if you are interested.
Hope House would like to thank Cindy Bostick who is the Executive Director at Todays Women’s Foundation for inviting our participants for another session of Empowering Women for Self Sufficiency class. We are glad to attend in person this year. In the past our participants enjoyed the classes and learned a lot on the different subjects be taught. We appreciate all the women who help to put this on.
We would like to thank choice Medical Group’s Dr. Samir Nayyar. For the past few months, Liz has arranged for pizzas to be picked up for the participants at Hope House. The participants and their children look forward to their Friday pizza night.
Congratulations to the Parole Rental Assistance team for their achievement of a total year-to-date disbursement of $291,364.00 in rent and deposit payments for over 150 parolees in need of assistance with rent. Awesome job PRA team!
On the housing side of things, we are happy to announce the opening of Hardt Women’s Shelter. Hardt is an 8-bed home and will be the home to women on supervised probation and their children. While in the Next Step Program, participants will receive wrap-around case management services, which include job assistance, identification assistance, linkage to felon-friendly employers and housing providers, health insurance navigation, public health assistance, and are also provided access to business centers furnished with desktop computers to allow them to job search, attend online classes and meetings. Participants are provided with groceries and hygiene products free of charge, so donations from community partners are always appreciated.
Adequate housing remains a big obstacle for our participants when they graduate from our program. With housing options so limited in general in the High Desert and greater San Bernardino areas, even the available vacancies with current community partners are becoming limited. If anyone is aware of any available housing in the High Desert or San Bernardino areas and open to housing men and women on probation or parole, please contact Erick M. Barker at 760-669-9200 or email at
Don’t forget, you can still file your taxes until October 17, 2022! If you have any questions or need assistance with filing your taxes, reading correspondence from the IRS, anything tax related…Family Assistance Program is here! Contact Jobi at
Our State Mandated 40-Hour Domestic Violence Advocacy Training kicks off this month! This is our first English one of the 2022 year, we anticipate having another one in October of this year. We have 40 people registered at this time to attend, that’s 40 new Advocates in the Domestic Violence field. If you or someone you know is interested in attending the next State Mandated Domestic Violence 40-Hour Training, feel free to reach out to Jobi at, or Diana at
Below is a picture of Samantha, she is the fur baby of one of our C Street regular clients and a regular herself at the C Street Community Center. Samantha’s owner will often ask us if we have small baby clothes for Samantha, he likes to keep her looking her best. We were so excited when we got the dog vest pictured below in donations and couldn’t wait to give it to Samantha. I think from the picture you can see she loves it!! Clients, participants, they aren’t always people, sometimes they are animals too!
C Street Staff would like to say HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! We here at the C Street Community Center stand with and are behind our LGBTQ+ community. LOVE is LOVE!!!!!
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Fast Horse Website
Open Arms has officially extended our hours for the Summer. Our center will be open 9am to 7pm Monday-Friday and 9am-6pm on Saturday. Our youth will also have the opportunity to be a part of an Autocross event this month as flag corner workers. We will also be participating in ‘Transform Your Life Day’ hosted by the California Conservation Corps on June 25th at the San Manuel Stadium from 4pm – 8pm.
Here in the rental assistance program, we have been very busy helping those struggling to pay rent. Covid-19 has hurt a lot of landlords and tenants these past couple of years and has kept rental assistance busy trying to keep people in their homes. We received a new grant for youth aged 18-24 to help individuals and their families who need help with rent.
We have helped many domestic violence participants and have been successful with them. However, we have helped youth, and one person in particular Jonathan Enriquez is a youth participant who was behind on rent since March and was ready to get evicted. He heard about our program by word of mouth and looking up our website he reached out to us. We were able to assist him and get in contact with his landlord to hold off on the eviction and were able to help pay his rent. Jonathan is now current and was able to save to stay current.
Family Assistance Program in partnership with San Bernardino Valley College is hosting the inaugural Youth Leadership Summit on Saturday, July 16th from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm. This event will include speeches from keynote speakers California State Senator Rosilicie Ochoa, California State Assembly member James Ramos, and the Executive Director of California Coalition for Youth Jevon Wilkes. These speakers will address the resources both locally and statewide for youth to advocate for policies that directly impact their lives. They will speak about the past, current, and future policies they’ve worked on to strengthen the resources and rights of youth in San Bernardino County and the State of California. Each speaker will speak about the personal commitment they have to youth voices and their impact in our communities. Local youth aged 16 – 24 years of age are encouraged to register for this event to learn how you can advocate to fight against youth homelessness and other issues important to youth. This is an all-youth event, created by youth for youth. Forty-one percent of youth homelessness in California occurs in San Bernardino making this topic an important discussion for our community.
Registered youth participants will be paid for participating for the entire day. Register by scanning the QR code below on the flyer. Or REGISTER HERE – opens in a new window
For more info email JIM
We are currently hiring full and part-time for many open positions.
Click here to see all of the open positions at Family Assistance Program:
If you are interested in applying for any of our open positions, email your resume to
Why did you get vaccinated? People have many different reasons why they got the shot. Share your story on your social media and get paid for it. We are looking for volunteers to start the conversation about COVID-19 Vaccine. Earn up to $400 when people engage with your post.
If you are interested in becoming a COVID Champion or have any questions you can email
check out our open positions
Family Assistance Program envisions a community where each person has a loving, nurturing home life. We provide the tools necessary to create healthy interpersonal relationships, economic empowerment, and stable housing.
15075 7th Street, Victorville, CA 92395
Main Office: (760) 843-0701
Toll Free: (866) 770-7867
This website is supported by Grant Numbers 90YO243103, 90CY740002, and 90CY751201 from the Family and Youth Services Bureau within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Family and Youth Services Bureau.